Saturday 1 October 2016

What JavaScript (JS) is? And What JS isn’t?

JavaScript or simply known as JS is the programming language that make interactivity along with custom behavior in action to our sites. It is a scripting language which falls in client-side. That means it is executed on the user’s machine platform instead of server side. There are other web programming languages like Ruby and PHP. We can safely say JavaScript is dependent on the browser’s setting and abilities. As per Hybridmediaworks Graphic Designer in Islamabad JS depends on the user and the machines on which browsers are running. The user can chose to turn it off or the device sometimes doesn’t support JS. Other names of JavaScript are dynamic and loosely typed programming language. 

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What JS isn’t?  

JavaScript the name is nice-looking but quite confusing. Although name is Script , JavaScript which has nothing to do with Java interestingly.JS was created by Brendan Eich at Netscape in 1995 and at that time it was basically named “LiveScript.” But with the passage of time and technically more involvement along with other languages Java was added instead of Live in the name.

 JavaScript JS has some sort of bad repute due to unwanted redirects, loathsome pop-up windows like security vulnerabilities are few names.
ikonicSolution Software House in Islamabad says this is because of the modern era development in which modern browsers have mostly trapped on to the darker part of JavaScript development and locked it down. Which means it’s up to us to use the control JavaScript has given, in a responsible way.

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